Ancestors in Thuengen, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany

Our Swiss ancestors working on a dairyfarm in Thuengen



This pages in English I created especially for my relatives in the United States.

Working on this pages is still in progress, when they are completed you will find:




Traces of Melchior Joseph Iten oo Anna Barbara Weidner and his

brother Joseph Anton Iten oo Margaretha Keller (widow Amthor)

Bonaventura Rogenmoser in Thuengen and Wuerzburg

Information about the dairyfarm of the von Thuengen Family




Information about the laws of citizenship in Bavaria back then

or why the widow had to go back to Switzerland after the

death of her husband even though she wasn't born there.


Other Places


Historical facts about the Villages which are mentionned in the churchbook

entries of the Weidner family. All this villages are situated near Thuengen.